Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our World of Pearls....

Oh what an ornament! Is probably the first words that will jump out of one's lips at the sight of rope of beautifully collected pearl.
Like it is always said; 'the description of pearl is a hopeless task,in its simple aesthetic perfection,mystery,sensuous and seductive charm,it is simply indescribable !. History has shown in its records that no stone,jewel or metal has so entranced people more than the soft,seductive pearl especially with the knowing that it comes to us naturally without having to do anything to them,they are simply and purely what nature gives to us with no need for cutting or polishing like other gems and precious stones,they are just for the eyes to behold and the soul to appreciate and covet.
Persian mythology described pearls as the tears of gods,the Chinese believed only the moonlight made pearls grow,to the Greeks pearls are dew collected by oysters openly flaunting their inside as they float on the sea at night,and the romans attributed pearls to Venus with a flavored myth that included impregnation from a kind of celestial sperm bank of heavenly dew! The importance and luxury attached to the pearl is enormous and unmatched,less wonder they were the first gem known to prehistoric man.
Pearl has been adorned since the history of man. It has hung from the necks of aging rulers and ruthless tyrants,nestled in the cleavages of queens and fashion goddess and found prominent places in rings,buckles,necklaces and even crowns and treasure chest of millions of people since antiquity. Queen Elizabeth 1(1533-1603) is perhaps the most passionate royalty and celebrity about pearls in history. She almost aways wore seven ropes of them,some reaching her knee. She was also a proud possessor of 3,000 pearl embroided dresses
Its value is always determined by the combination of luster,color,size,lack of surface flaw and symmetry. The larger the pearl the costlier or more valuable it is but the perfectly round ones are scarce and most valued. They come basically in eight shapes;baroque,oval,round,button,semi round ,circle ,dropped and pear. And as we'll in different colour grades;pink,blue,green,champagne,black and even purple.
By Subomi Kukoyi.

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